A Sure Foundation 11-12-15
Luke 10:3
Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves.
Jesus knows his disciples will find it difficult, even dangerous, to go out into the world and share the gospel of grace and love. But he tells them to go on their way. He tells them that their way will be one of challenge, filled with crucible moments. But this experience, this role, is indeed, their way.
How often we complain when we hit difficult patches of ministry and life. How easy it is to throw up our hands when challenges come. But these moments of challenge and trial are our way. They are our places of shaping and transformation. They are our times of trusting God and relying on God. They are our times of being in deep relationship with God because we know that the divine power, God, is available to keep us in, and not from, the storm. In our lives there will be difficulties and challenges; but we must not give up. The difficulties and challenges are, indeed, a part of our way, the way. May we not give up and may we be found in the way, this day.