What rings through the history of the Community Church of Barrington is the willingness to be different, to take risks, and the importance of relationships, friendships, support and love.
Within that context, the Church Council sets policies and directions for our Congregation and sees to the implementation of those policies and directions. The voting members of the Church Council are the officers of our Congregation, i.e., the Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Church Clerk and Treasurer; the Chairs of the Christian Education, Congregational Life, Deacons, Finance, Membership Development, Mission and Outreach, Music and Worship Planning, Properties and Personnel and Stewardship Committees; the President of the Women’s Fellowship and 2 members at large. The Pastor and other professional staff are non-voting members.
Below is a complete list of our council members.
Peer Lykke, Moderator
Bill Marsh, Assistant Moderator
Bill Akerstrom, Finance, Treasurer & Stewardship
Bonnie Stevens, Asst. Treasurer
Kim McLean, Diaconate
Glee Huddlestun, Missions & Outreach
Cindy Alton, Membership Development
Sharon Hornig, Christian Education
David Phinney, Properties
Pam Pellizzari, Congregational Life
Alayne McNulty, ABC Representative
Pastor Relations Chair, Ted Newman