The role of the Membership Development Committee is to reach out to friends and visitors and welcome them in any way that we can.
We stand ready to speak with you about the church, what it means to become a member, and how the process unfolds. If you would like to talk with anyone of us please just give a call at 847.381.1294.
We would love to talk with you. We welcome new members any time of the year. The following are ways that many voices may join Community Church:
- By Transfer of Membership from another church
- By Affirmation of Faith, expressing your faith in Jesus Christ
- By Baptism, as an adult or older child committing to follow Jesus Christ
- By Confirmation, affirming baptismal vows made on your behalf as an infant or child
– Cindy Alton, Membership Development Chair
Mission Trips
The youth of the Community Church of Barrington are committed to be a church that puts into action the saying ‘walk the talk’.