407 South Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL

The youth of CCB are committed to being a church that puts into action the phrase ‘walk the talk’

We strive to be the hands and feet of God through service projects and various service and mission initiatives.  Mission Trips for our 6th-8th grades focus on community service over a week- long trip to various destinations outside of Illinois. Our high school and college age young people participate in annual mission trip experiences which are work-camp oriented.  Our 2013 Mission Trip was inter-generational! 

In 2014,  the Sr. High Youth and College-Age Group went to Puerto Rico and also to Red Bird Mission in Kentucky. This year, 2015, the youth again headed to Red Bird Mission in Beverly, Kentucky.  The youth and chaperones served by building, painting, roofing and building relationships with those in that Appalachian region. 

It’s through the relationships we build during this week that we learn how to serve God and others.  The youth are part of the decision- making process each year as to where they feel God is leading them to serve and thus to where they will serve. 

Other Mission Trip initiatives are held in-state throughout the year. We adhere to the belief that mission responsibilities begin in our own backyard.


2015 Summer Mission Trip

We went to Redbird Mission over the summer! While in Beverly Kentucky we built a tin roof and skirt, painted a home and built stairs while serving in Appalachia.

Recent Mission Trip Photos


Redbird Mission 2013


Puerto Rico Mission 2014


Redbird Mission 2014