A Sure Foundation 10-21-15
JOHN 15:16
“It is not that you have chosen me; but it is I who have chosen you.”
Remember being a kid at recess and wanting, really wanting, to be chosen as part of the team? Ohhhh, Ohhhh, Ohhhh, choose me, choose me!!!! And, if you were like me, rather unathletic, you were likely not chosen or else chosen, reluctantly, last. Those feelings remain with us (ahem) late into our lives. But in this text from John, Jesus looks out at a rather unlikely crew, the disciples — he looks out at those who have jockeyed for position, who are going to desert him and who often misunderstand his point of view –and he says to them, I CHOOSE YOU!!! And Beloved, He says the same thing to you and me. I, the Son of the living God, choose you because I see your gifts, I know your ability, I cherish your heart and I long for you to offer your best to Me and to the world. I CHOOSE YOU!!!!!! My brothers and my sisters, walk into this day knowing that you are God’s choice for the work given into your hands. You are God’s first choice. I know it because Jesus said it!!!