Working with the Deacons of Community Church offers opportunities for service both inside and outside our church.
We arrange for Scripture readers, ushers, and acolytes and are privileged to share in the preparation and serving of communion. We also reach out to stay in touch with those in the CCB family who may not have been able to join us on Sundays.
Because of the generous support of Community Church of Barrington members and friends, the Deacons are able to use a benevolence fund to help people in difficult circumstances who live in our area. Though they have been used for a wide variety of purposes, these benevolence gifts have usually provided critical assistance to those require such necessities as food and shelter. The ability to offer aid to men, women, and children who are truly struggling in tough times is a quiet but important way for the Community Church family to walk the path that Jesus pointed out to us.
If you have an interest in participating in the work of the Deaconate, contact the church office. We would be glad to hear from you.
– Ted Newman, Chair.