407 South Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL

The Goal of CCB’s Christian Education ministry is to provide a diverse and safe place for all ages to worship, grow, share, and learn about God, and how to live our faith in our daily lives. 

Scripture is the lens through which we develop and implement curricula that is current to the needs of today without losing the importance of the lessons Jesus taught so long ago.

Being a small church, we have the blessing of creating learning and growing opportunities for a variety of individuals that allow them to use their God-given gifts and talents. Our Christian Education ministry provides experiences that add to the fulfillment of the vision of CCB. 

Everything we do in our youth and children ministry programs falls under the purpose:  Love God, love others and reach the world.



Toddler and Infants Nursery

Our toddler and infants nursery is designed and equipped to minister to children from birth to 5 years of age. 

Elementary & Middle School

Our Children’s Ministry is set up so that the children learn basic Bible teachings in a manner that is relevant for their age.

High School Youth Group

We want our youth at CCB to know God and understand who He made them to be.  Our goal is to develop hearts of compassion.

College-Age Adults

We have the opportunity of ministering to young adults that are away at college and others that are local.