407 South Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL

Lenten Devotion — The Red Letters March 6th Ash Wednesday

Each morning of Lent (not including Sundays) one of your CCB brothers or sisters will share a reflection on the words of Jesus.  Each person has crafted their meditation from the heart and offer it freely.  Where we have a guest author, their name will be reflected in the subject line.  Where there is no guest author, the words are mine.
May this dally devotion speak to your spirit, pique your thinking and encourage you on your Lenten journey.
Blessings, Pastor Zina
Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you going to leave too?”
John 6:67
The season of Lent is a journey of many steps.  Across these forty days, moments of struggle, challenge, and even pain are certain.  Never did Jesus promise that the way would be easy.  On the contrary, he says expressly; there will be — not may be — there will be, tribulations.  So, as we begin the journey of these days, he asks, “Are you going to leave too?”  May it be that we each have the courage to travel and see what the end of this journey will be.  May it be that we will choose to stay all 40 days.
Prayer:  God of endless steps, help and guide us, accompany and bless us as we walk with you, staying close to your side all the way.  This we pray in your name.