407 South Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL

A Sure Foundation 10-14-15

LUKE 18:17
“The kingdom of God belongs to little children like these. I tell you, the man who will not accept the kingdom of God like a little child will never get into it at all.”

Have you ever noticed, nowhere in the Biblical text are we called the adults of God? We are not even called the teenagers of God. We are called the sons and daughters or the children of God. Children who are loved and nurtured are amazing to behold. They are open and honest. They are curious and free to explore. They dare and risk and when they are sad, they cry, no matter who is watching. And their laughter fills the heart with joy. Children who are loved make mistakes and know that their parents will be there to guide, correct, encourage, and love them. You are a child of God and God wants you to behave in just this way. In fact, Jesus reminds us that only children are welcomed in the kingdom. So, let your innocent, loving, trusting, laughing, child-self come forward. God waits to receive and celebrate you, beloved child of God.