Adult Sunday School
Join us as we meet Sundays at 9:15am for Bible Study.
Join us as we meet Sundays at 9:15am for Bible Study.
We will be collecting produce for the Barrington Food Pantry. If you are able to bring a bag of apples, potatoes, oranges, etc., for this in need, please bring them to church on 1/26. If you would like to contribute but are unable to shop, please see Glee Huddlestun.
Join us after Sunday service for coffee and treats. Spend time in fellowship with friends. We are looking for help in volunteering to set up Coffee Hour. Sign up sheet is in the kitchen. No need for anything fancy; simple spreads encouraged.
All Church Annual Business Meeting January 26th after worship We will be discussing the financial picture of the church and voting on the 2025 budget. Please plan to attend so we can be sure to have a quorum.
TEEN TUESDAYS - Every Tuesday 4:30-6:00 in the CCB ROOM! All teens are welcome!
Groundhog Game Night January 31st, 6-9pm Bring your favorite board game or play one of ours. Snacks are also welcome. Pizza will be served.
Join us as we meet Sundays at 9:15am for Bible Study.
Join us after Sunday service for coffee and treats. Spend time in fellowship with friends. We are looking for help in volunteering to set up Coffee Hour. Sign up sheet is in the kitchen. No need for anything fancy; simple spreads encouraged.
TEEN TUESDAYS - Every Tuesday 4:30-6:00 in the CCB ROOM! All teens are welcome!
Using the book, The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown as a reference and jumping-off point, we will gather each week to see how our “imperfections” are not parts of our-selves meant to be hidden or punished. Using Biblical and theological references as well as Brown’s extensive research on shame, we will seek to embrace […]