407 South Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL

A Sure Foundation 12-2-15

A Sure Foundation 12-2-15

John 14:27
I leave behind with you – peace; I give you my own peace and my gift is nothing like the peace of this world. You must not be distressed and you must not be daunted.

Next Sunday, December 6th, our Advent word is peace.  What does peace mean to you?   Some have said peace is not the absence of trouble or conflict, but the calm that comes from knowing with God you will be able to handle all things.   
The peace about which Jesus speaks (eirēnē, in the Greek) means a state of tranquility, exemption from the rage and havoc of war, harmony, concord, security, safety, prosperity and or felicity, (because peace and harmony make and keep things safe and prosperous).  This is the peace that comes in the form of a baby, the peace that is given to us as gift.  May we receive it and believe it.