407 South Grove Avenue, Barrington, IL

A Sure Foundation 11-13-15

Matthew 6:9

“Pray then in this way:  Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

In the same way.  What does Jesus mean?   Does he mean we should use these exact words every Sunday, every day, every time we pray?  I don’t think so.  When Jesus said we should pray in this way, he was offering us, a way of praying.  And what is that way?


To pray in this way is to:

(1) Call upon God in a personal, intimate way (Our Father).

(2) Offer God honor (Hallowed is thy name).

(3) Agree with God’s plan for creation.  (Your Kingdom Come . . . .)

(4) Ask God to care for our needs.  (Give us this day, our daily bread  . . . .)

(5) Have strength to do our part (As we forgive the debts . . . .)

(6) Ask God to keep us safe from forces beyond us (Lead us not . . . .)                

(7) Proclaim that God is all and all (for thine is the kingdom . . . .)


You and I can prepare prayers based on these seven “ways”.  When we do, we will be praying in the way Jesus instructed us to pray.  May we be found in the way, this day.